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    Responsabile: Prof. Spina Annamaria


    Lingua di insegnamento



    Obiettivo del corso è fornirele conoscenze Chimiche e Biochimiche per poter accedere ai corsi successivi: le basi di Biochimica saranno incentrate sul metabolismo cellulare e sullo studio di molecole e macromolecole che regolano i processi biologici negli organismi viventi. L'acquisizione di queste conoscenze indirizzerà lo studente alla comprensione della biologia cellulare e della fisiologia. Lo studente dovrà avere conoscenza di questi processi di base per poter accedere all'aggiornamento professionale futuro in maniera autonoma.

    Testi di riferimento

    "Corso di Biochimica per le Lauree Sanitarie", Piccin Ed.
    Appunti delle lezioni.


    Teaching language

    Italian Language


    The learning goals of this course are to provide chemistry information, for understanding the contents of subsequent courses: the basics of biochemistry mainly focusing on cellular metabolism and on the study of molecules and macromolecules that regulate processes in living organisms. Acquiring such knowledge and expertise will allow the students to address understanding cell biology and physiology. The student will have the basis for understanding these processes, they will be useful to frame the ability to obtain and interpret relevant scientific informations. autonomously.

    Textbook and course materials

    "Corso di biochimica per le Lauree Sanitarie", Piccin Ed.
    Notes of the lessons.

    Course objectives

    Knowledge of the fundamental molecules of Biochemistry: Amino acids and proteins; Mono and Polysaccharides, Simple Lipids and Complexes.
    Metabolism background.
    An overview provides the basic knowledge useful for the course. The biochemistry course will focus on cellular metabolism and on the study of the main classes of molecules and macromolecules that regulate the vital processes of living organisms. Understanding these concepts will enable the student to frame the fundamental chemical and enzymatic processes for the life of living beings. The student will have the background to understand the teachings of cell biology and physiology.


    Knowledge of Chemistry and the most important functional groups of Carbon Chemistry.

    Teaching methods

    Lessons will be supported by the use of computer equipment and power points.

    Evaluation methods

    Written test: A test of multiple choice questions on the topics explained in class.

    Other information


    Course Syllabus

    Introduction to chemistry. The atom and its structure, the molecules and bonds: Ionic, Dative; Covalent, Carbon and its structure, the most important carbon compounds, the functional groups characteristic of Biochemistry, alcohols, aldehydes, carboxylic acids. Phosphate and high "energy" molecules.
    The main molecular classes of biochemistry: amino acids and proteins, mono and polysaccharides, simple and complex lipids. Vitamins, coenzymes, enzymes. Notes on the hormones and an outline of the most important functions of metabolism.

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