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    Serena VETTORI

    Insegnamento di AFP REUMATOLOGY

    Corso di laurea magistrale a ciclo unico in MEDICINA E CHIRURGIA

    SSD: MED/16

    CFU: 1,00


    Periodo di Erogazione: Annualità Singola


    Lingua di insegnamento



    Frequenza del Reparto di Reumatologia e dell'Ambulatorio di
    Reumatologia prime visite.

    Testi di riferimento


    Obiettivi formativi

    Acquisire conoscenze sui principali quadri clinici e sierologici per i quali
    viene comunemente richiesta una valutazione reumatologica;
    -acquisire le competenze per eseguire una corretta anamnesi
    -acquisire le competenze per un corretto esame obiettivo orientato a
    confermare/escludere malattie di interesse reumatologico.


    -Conoscenza dell'Anatomia Umana, della Fisiologia e Fisiopatologia
    - Principi di Semeiotica Medica;
    - Principi di Medicina di laboratorio.

    Metodologie didattiche

    Attività pratica con i pazienti.

    Metodi di valutazione

    Esame di un caso clinico.

    Altre informazioni


    Programma del corso

    -Esame obiettivo finalizzato a ricercare:
    a. lesioni cutanee e/o mucosali consistenti con malattie reumatologiche;
    b. deformità muscolo-scheletriche consistenti con malattie
    c. reperti di impegno articolare infiammatorio;
    d. reperti di impegno muscolare infiammatorio;
    e. reperti di impegno polmonare consistente con malattia sistemica
    f. reperti di impegno cardiaco consistente con malattia sistemica
    g. reperti di impegno gastrointestinale consistente con malattia
    reumatica sistemica;
    h. reperti di impegno neurologico consistente con malattia reumatica
    g. reperti di impegno renale consistente con malattia reumatica
    - Interpretazione di esami di laboratorio finalizzata a:
    a. ricercare alterazioni consistenti con attivazione abnorme della risposta
    immuno-flogistica e/o autoimmune;
    b. ricercare alterazioni dell'esame emocromocitometrico suggestivi di
    Testi in inglese
    Attendance of the inpatient Rheumatology Clinic and of the outpatient
    cabinet for first rheumatological evaluation.
    -Learning the major clinical/serological abrnormalities requiring a
    rheumatological assessment of the patient;
    -learning how to identify signs and symptoms of rheumatological interest
    during history collection;
    -learning the tools to perform a correct physical examination devoted to
    confirm/exclude a rheumatological disease.
    - Anatomy, General Physiology and Pathophysiology;
    - Basic knowledge of Medical Semeiotics;
    - Basic knowledge of Laboratory Medicine.
    Practical activities with patients.
    Presentation of a clinical case.
    -Inspection to look for:
    a. Skin and/or mucosal lesions consistent with rheumatological diseases;
    b. musculo-skeletal abnormalities consistent with rheumatological
    Physical examination to look for:
    a. skin and/or mucosal lesions consistent with rheumatological diseases;
    b. musculo-skeletal deformities consistent with rheumatological diseases;
    c. findings of inflammatory articular disease;
    d. findings of inflammatory muscular disease;
    e. findings of lung involvement due to systemic rheumatic disease;
    f. findings of cardiac involvement due to systemic rheumatic disease;
    g. findings of gastrointestinal involvement due to systemic rheumatic
    h. findings of neurological involvement consistent with systemic
    rheumatic disease;
    g. findings of renal involvement consistent with systemic rheumatic
    -Laboratory data interpretation to look for:
    a. abnormalities in the immune-inflammatory response and/or
    autoimmune phenomena;
    b. abnormalities in the blood cell count suggestive of a rheumatic
    c. biochemical abnormalities suggestive of a rheumatological disease;
    d. abnormalities in urynalysis suggestive of a rheumatological disease.
    malattia reumatologica;
    c. ricercare alterazioni biochimiche suggestive di malattia reumatologica;
    d. ricercare alterazioni all'esame chimico-fisico delle urine e del
    sedimento urinario suggestive di malattia reumatologica.


    Teaching language



    Attendance of the inpatient Rheumatology Clinic and of the outpatient
    cabinet for first rheumatological evaluation.

    Textbook and course materials


    Course objectives

    -Learning the major clinical/serological abrnormalities requiring a
    rheumatological assessment of the patient;
    -learning how to identify signs and symptoms of rheumatological interest
    during history collection;
    -learning the tools to perform a correct physical examination devoted to
    confirm/exclude a rheumatological disease.


    - Anatomy, General Physiology and Pathophysiology;
    - Basic knowledge of Medical Semeiotics;
    - Basic knowledge of Laboratory Medicine.

    Teaching methods

    Practical activities with patients.

    Evaluation methods

    Presentation of a clinical case.

    Other information


    Course Syllabus

    Physical examination to look for:
    a. skin and/or mucosal lesions consistent with rheumatological diseases;
    b. musculo-skeletal deformities consistent with rheumatological diseases;
    c. findings of inflammatory articular disease;
    d. findings of inflammatory muscular disease;
    e. findings of lung involvement due to systemic rheumatic disease;
    f. findings of cardiac involvement due to systemic rheumatic disease;
    g. findings of gastrointestinal involvement due to systemic rheumatic
    h. findings of neurological involvement consistent with systemic
    rheumatic disease;
    g. findings of renal involvement consistent with systemic rheumatic
    -Laboratory data interpretation to look for:
    a. abnormalities in the immune-inflammatory response and/or
    autoimmune phenomena;
    b. abnormalities in the blood cell count suggestive of a rheumatic
    c. biochemical abnormalities suggestive of a rheumatological disease;
    d. abnormalities in urynalysis suggestive of a rheumatological disease.

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