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    Training activities for final exam preparation

    Students have 16 credits for graduate thesis preparation undertaken at a university clinical or research institution. Such activity undertaken by students is called a “degree internship”. Degree internships must be carried out outside academic teaching hours, must not overlap with ADE, and must be applied for after enrolment in the fifth year or, at the latest, within 12 months from the date in which the student expects to defend his or her graduate thesis.

    Final exam

    To be admitted to the final exam, students must have:

    1. attended all courses and passed the associated exams;

    2. obtained a total of 360 credits over the 6 years of the Degree Programme;

    3. completed registration for the final exam and presented all the necessary documents (graduate thesis, payment of contributions towards degree certificate, academic record books, etc.).

    The final examination of the degree in Medicine and Surgery (class LM / 41) has the value of a State examination qualifying the exercise of the profession of Surgeon (Article 102, paragraph 1, of Law Decree No. 18 / 2020) upon passing the practical training educational activities (TPVES). The TPVES are professionalizing internships related to the practical training needed to achieve the qualifying degree in Medicine and Surgery (class LM / 41) (Law Decree 17 March 2020, n. 18. D.M. 8/2020 effective from 23/04/2020, in compliance with the D.R. 296/2020).

    The TPVES are 15 CFU of professional training activity devoted to performance of the three months practical internship (5 CFU/month); one month in Surgical Area; one month in Medical Area; one month, to be held during the sixth year of studies, in the field of General (Family) Medicine

    The final exam consists in the defense of a graduate thesis written independently by the student based on original research carried out under the guidance of one or two supervisors; in the case of a graduate thesis project undertaken under the supervision of academic teaching staff members from clinical and pre-clinical departments, both will act as supervisors.

    Final mark

    The final mark is calculated on the basis of the following parameters:

    a) arithmetic mean of marks attained in degree exams expressed in one hundred and tenths. Distinctions awarded for exams do not give extra marks.

    b) points awarded by the Degree Committee at the graduate thesis defence, up to a maximum of 11 points (given for the quality of the thesis, the candidate’s clarity and delivery, and the quality of the slides presented).

    Requirements for receiving honors

    1. arithmetic mean of marks attained in degree exams expressed in one hundred and tenths to be no lower than 102/110 (minimum average mark 27.7 = 101.6 → 102);

    2. final mark, including points awarded by the Degree Committee at the graduate thesis defence, to be no lower than 110/110;

    3. no fewer than 6 additional points, to be added to the final mark of 110/110, awarded according to the following supplementary criteria:

    a) points for the period of study:

    I.- degree earned in a number of years not greater than the legal study period of the Degree Programme, 3 additional points;

    II.- degree earned in a number of years not greater than the legal study period of the Degree Programme + one, 1 additional point;

    b) points for distinctions in exams:

    I.- from 3 to 8 distinctions, 1 additional point;

    II.- more than 8 distinctions, 2 additional points;

    c) points for participating in international exchange program recognized by the Degree Programme (ERASMUS):

    I.- from 3 to 6 months, 1 additional point;

    II.- from 6 to 12 months, 2 additional points;

    d) points for undertaking inter-university cooperation, promotion and cultural exchange activities at hospitals and/or research institutes in Italy and/or abroad, funded by contributions allocated by the relevant Academic Unit of the University to students enrolled at the relevant Academic Unit of the University:

    I.- for every 30 days of activities undertaken, 0.5 additional points.

    Recommendation for publication may be awarded, upon the opinion of the Degree Committee, only to candidates whose graduate thesis supervisor explicitly certifies that the data presented have not been previously published.



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