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    Corso di Laurea in Medicina e Chirurgia in lingua inglese - Medicine and Surgery in English

    Length : 6 years (academic years)
    Group of degrees in Italy: LM-41 - Medicina e Chirurgia
    Department: Medicina di Precisione
    Place: S. Andrea delle Dame - Via L. De Crecchio,  7 - 80138 Napoli
    How to get in: admission tests (national)
    President: Prof. Maria Luisa Balestrieri - appointed by D.R. 892/2023
    E-mail: Questo indirizzo email è protetto dagli spambots. È necessario abilitare JavaScript per vederlo. 

    Student Secretariat Office Questo indirizzo email è protetto dagli spambots. È necessario abilitare JavaScript per vederlo. (Dr. Raffaele Ambrosio, Resp. Master's Degree Course in Medicine and Surgery in English)

    Ufficio Segreteria Studenti Medicina e Chirurgia, sede di Napoli e Odontoiatria e Protesi Dentaria

    The single-cycle Degree Course in Medicine and Surgery aims to provide the scientific basis and the theoretical/practical knowledge necessary for carrying out the medical profession. The Degree Course aims to train a medical professional with a multidisciplinary and integrated vision of the most common problems of health and disease; a level of professional, decision-making and operational autonomy; a research activity in all sectors of the bio-medical area; a capacity and sensitivity projected towards a broad concept of health, with attention to the patient as a person, as a whole and in his own uniqueness.

    The theoretical-practical training course takes place in a path that provides for the transmission of methods, knowledge and experiences and is aimed at stimulating the aptitude for reasoning to solve health problems from a preventive, clinical-diagnostic, therapeutic and rehabilitative point of view.

      Services for Students

      Call for admission and enrollment procedures

       Virtual assistant of the Vanvitelli University


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      Teaching Plan 24/25Download PDF

      Teaching Plan 23/24  |  Download PDF

      Teaching Plan 22/23  |  Download PDF

      Teaching Plan 21/22  Download PDF

      Teaching Plan 20/21  |  Download PDF

      Teaching Plan 19/20

      Teaching Plan 18/19

      Class Schedule 

      TPV - Practical Evaluation Training

      AFP - Professionalizing Educational Activities

    ADE - Elective Didactic Activities

    Tutoring Activity

    OFA - Additional Educational Obligations

     Exam Schedule 

     Graduation Session 

     Teaching quality 


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