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    Insegnamento di AFP BIOCHEMISTRY

    Corso di laurea magistrale a ciclo unico in MEDICINA E CHIRURGIA

    SSD: BIO/10

    CFU: 1,00


    Periodo di Erogazione: Annualità Singola


    Lingua di insegnamento



    Teaching language



    This course provides an overview and in-deep discussion of some selected aspects of medical-oriented Biochemistry by relating molecular interactions to their effects on the organism as a whole, and on various organs and tissues, especially as related to disease mechanisms.

    Textbook and course materials

    Thomas M. Devlin, “Textbook of Biochemistry with Clinical Correlations” Alisa Peet, Michael A. Lieberman, Allan Marks “Marks' Basic Medical Biochemistry” John W. Baynes, Marek H. Dominiczak “Medical Biochemistry” William J Marshall et Al. “Clinical Biochemistry:Metabolic and Clinical Aspects”, Churchill-Livinston (Elsevier)Nessar Ahmed (Editor): “Clinical Biochemistry”, Oxford University Press

    Course objectives

    The educational objective of this teaching module is to introduce insights on new and specific aspects of knowledge in the field of biochemical processes studied at cellular, tissue and systemic level


    To attend proficiently the Biochemistry Course, students need to have acquired a well-established background in Chemistry and Propaedeutic Biochemistry, Biology and Molecular Biology, and Physics.
    Access to the exam is regulated by passing the preliminary exams, as established by the Degree Course Council

    Teaching methods

    Seminar lessons on specific aspects of biochemistry

    Evaluation methods

    Written examination.
    The final result is a suitability, where suitable indicates the exceeding and not suitable not passing the test

    Other information

    The material used for the lectures will be shared electronically (pdf file)

    Course Syllabus

    miRNA, Apoptosis and autophagy, new frontiers in the anti-cancer therapy, Vitamin A and GMOs, SNPs role and significance.

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